This activity is an opportunity for participants to discuss solutions to problems they are passionate about. Discussion rooms are available for participants to choose from, each with different discussion leaders, themes of interest and related SDGs.
Education does not see Gender
Promoting equal access of women to quality education and the issue of sexual harassment in schools
Providing solutions for undereducated women searching for jobs in rural Thailand

Achieve Gender Equality and Empower all Women
Promoting provision of sustainable energy in rural areas of Thailand
Combating the consequences of carbon emissions due to fossil fuel power plants and examining ways to encourage nations to be more committed to Paris Agreement

End Hunger, Achieve Food Security, Improved Nutrition
Tackling HIV and STIs in rural regions of Thailand
Destigmatizing sex education and promoting understanding of safe sex and HIV
Provision of medications and contraceptives in rural and religious areas of Thailand
The question of legalisation of abortion laws

Agriculture Amidst Climate Change
Improving grass-root level awareness on sustainable agricultural practices
Exploring agricultural solutions to adapt to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and monoculture to solve hunger and food security issues locally

Unheard Voices of Capitalism
The issue of sweatshops and irresponsible treatment of workers
The issue of multinational firms exhausting resources in less developed countries
The issue of the balance between government unemployment benefits, supply-side policies and disincentive to work to improve economic growth of LEDCs

What Awaits the end of the Rainbow?
Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for LGBTQIA+ population in Thailand
The issue of regulating and protecting sex workers in Thailand
Discrimination against trans sex workers
Human trafficking of illegal sex workers

Economic Development
Increasing consumer awareness and preference for "green" goods
Examining the effectiveness of raising awareness regarding environmental concerns through online platform in the cyber age.
The influence of consumers to prompt the implementation of circular economy
Tackling issue of waste management and recycling

Working Woman
Providing solutions to the discriminatory treatment in the workplace
Gender wage differentials
Provision of paternal leave to reduce pressure on mothers to leave jobs to raise children
The issue of sexual harassment in the workplace
Achieving tangible goals of women empowerment in tandem with UN organizations such as HeForShe

Goodbye, Ariel
The issue of microplastics and bioaccumulation in marine ecosystems of Thailand
Reducing overfishing while ensuring sustainable living and welfare of coastal rural communities

Save the Trees, Free the Animals
The issue of deforestation and planting foreign species which disrupts the ecosystems such as Eucalyptus trees in Thailand
The issue of wildlife conservation under the CITES treaty in Thailand
The issue of wildlife poaching and ethical concerns regarding animal cruelty issues in entertainment industry e.g. training elephants in Thailand

Malnutrition the Silent Killer
Tackling malnutrition and obesity and promoting a healthy nutritious lifestyle
Evaluating the effectiveness of the sugar tax and developing more policies to tackle obesity

Providing access of clean water and solutions for regions which rely on groundwater which can be unsustainable and damaging to the land
Issues of water-borne diseases such as cholera and wastewater management in urban and industrial areas

The New Kind of 'High'
Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol
The issue of legalisation of Marijuana in Thailand

Ripples of Innovation
Exploring how the STEM field impacts the welfare of people
Reasons of the imbalance of women in the field
Discussing how the trend of internet of things (IoT) have influenced the definition and accessibility of infrastructure
Investigating ways innovation has improved efficient and sustainable production

Bob the Sustainable Builder
Investigating ways the environmental disasters affects communities and efforts made to reduce the impact on land.
Exploring ways in which scientists and urban planners are making changes to improve the issue of sustainability and accessibility of infrastructure

Organic and Chemical-Free
The threats to pollinators and implications to food security and agriculture
The introduction of foriegn species and GMOs and impact on local species
The issues surrounding sustainable livestock farming