This episode of the podcast series focuses on energy consumption and conservation, specifically after the Covid-19 crisis. In this episode, our two episode curators are applying their own interests to look at this matter from two different perspectives: people and science. That is, Isabel’s interest in the study of people, which inclined her to research on the effects this pandemic imposed upon people’s energy consumption, and the government’s plans to alleviate problems, alongside Petra’s interest in science, which prompted her to study the implications of scientific innovations to conserve energy and the consequences of this lockdown on different forms of energy.
Through our interview with Dr Narissara Bussayajarn, Former Technology Analyst Manager, now Senior Technology Transfer Manager at SCG Chemicals, and Khun Roejarek, Circular Innovation and Project Manager at SCG, we hope to provide you with a more holistic perspective of why the transition to full renewable energy is difficult but necessary, how COVID did not really change the trajectory of energy consumption and production, and how students should advocate for change moving forward.